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Friday, January 14, 2005

Rebel, Rebel, you've torn your dress

Prince Harry or whatshisname being dressed up in a Nazi costume (at a costume party of all places) has to be one of the most hilarious controversies ever, particularly the bit about rabbis solemnly telling him that he should go visit Auschwitz. What serious people will never ever understand about funny people (not putting his princeness in that category necessarily but it’s quite possible) is that we *know* everything that they think we don’t know. Yes, yes, millions of completely innocent people were rounded up, incarcerated, shot in the head, subjected to torturous medical experiments, burned alive etc. That’s what makes it *funny*. We know everything you know and just a little bit more. We crossed the threshold and gave up on the absurdity of dealing with things like genocide rationally a long time ago and think it’s cute that you’re still trying. But the idea that a 20 year old wearing a Nazi costume as a joke is going to bring down the British Isles is fairly uproarious.

Speaking of grownups not getting it, and why they should really be much more oppressive than they actually are I read about a new “sex publication” being put out by students of that academic powerhouse the University of Chicago, it’s a lighthearted look at campus sexual relations (lightheartedly looking at sexual relations, as opposed to engaging in them, was mostly what I did in college) anyway it has dirty pictures and such and therefore it should really be causing a community uproar and calls for repression from authority figures. Naturally the story I read turned to such an authority figure:

In a statement, U. of C. vice president and dean of students Steve Klass said the university "does not endorse or condemn the content of student publications,'' but added: "Freedom of expression is an integral part of the University of Chicago experience.''

Oh yeah, well FUCK YOU, YOU FASCIST HATEMONGER! WHO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO…Oh…you’re okay with it. Oh, well, that’s…okay. Cool. We’ll just be over here then.

See, the real problem with the rampant liberalism of academia is a severe shortage of crusty old deans to properly oppress young people and cultivate a healthy distrust for authority…Maybe that’s the point. My God, what have I stumbled into? Seriously, this has to be the reason there are so many young Republican twits on college campuses, it's the only way to rebel properly. And people wonder why 20 year olds are wearing Nazi costumes.

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