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Individual Entries

10/04/2009: go elsewhere
09/26/2008: and credits...
09/26/2008: If He Dies He Dies: Obama-McCain 1
11/09/2007: Welcome Billy Hart!
09/19/2007: what I'd like
09/15/2007: as you wish
08/12/2007: I am a Hero and a Genius
08/10/2007: Stupid Headlines: Nine millionth in an occasional series
08/02/2007: satire
07/27/2007: further disillusionment
07/13/2007: whelp, guess I should write something
07/06/2007: I am the master of all reality
06/28/2007: insomniac ravings
06/20/2007: Dear iPod
06/20/2007: in case you hadn't noticed
06/14/2007: song I heard on youtube
06/13/2007: reason 492099982 the world is fucked up
06/12/2007: contractual obligation tour part II: obligate harder
06/11/2007: contractual obligation tour
06/08/2007: the bitch is back
02/12/2007: obscure places of the earth
02/08/2007: ex astris dementia
02/06/2007: I officially give up
01/31/2007: another thing in a newspaper I have to respond to
01/27/2007: In which the author literally cuts and pastes from Jim Anchower
01/09/2007: headlines
01/04/2007: Everything will be different now
01/04/2007: other than that
01/04/2007: something is happening to me
12/26/2006: and other questions about the eighties
12/24/2006: Christmas Message: I Hate You
12/17/2006: unabashed navelgazing post below (suck it)
12/15/2006: Fire bad!
12/11/2006: felines
12/08/2006: does anything mean anything anymore?
12/04/2006: magic and so forth
12/02/2006: Even more clever than "proctologist"
11/27/2006: I should be reviewed
11/22/2006: critiquein'
11/20/2006: if
11/17/2006: I wasn't looking for a fight.
11/16/2006: I want to say something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/13/2006: movie trailers and things
11/13/2006: without any responsibility though
11/12/2006: someone should call me
11/11/2006: the thing itself
11/10/2006: one more important comment on the news of the day
11/08/2006: I come not to praise Gingrich, but to bury him...
11/08/2006: nobody does it better
11/07/2006: democracy doesn't work
11/04/2006: how soon we forget the heroes
11/02/2006: Ah, remember last week, when my side had the high ground in the news cycle?
11/01/2006: It's supposed to be about mystery and menace and magic. And candy.
10/30/2006: Every legend has a beginning...
10/30/2006: superior
10/28/2006: inferior
10/26/2006: stop making me defend George W Bush
10/23/2006: Or not as it turns out
10/20/2006: Take heart fans of my blog! By whom I mean Twinters and Kurt and possibly my dad.
10/06/2006: okay, I do have something to say
10/04/2006: I got nothin'
10/01/2006: Because supporting Obama was this website's original purpose
09/28/2006: what trains are like
09/26/2006: jobs that I have
09/18/2006: life on the raggedy edge
09/17/2006: a whimpering rather than roaring return
09/10/2006: dearth
09/05/2006: boo!
08/24/2006: I should certainly engage in some physical activity after consuming this dangerously unhealthy food product
08/11/2006: fulfilling my obligations
08/10/2006: Conversations between me, a girl I like, and the man in my brain
08/08/2006: going wild
08/07/2006: insults
08/02/2006: Fuck fuck fuckity fuck
07/31/2006: what's going on?
07/29/2006: what a lovely collection of minutes
07/27/2006: Good on them
07/25/2006: understanding
07/22/2006: Where are you people?
07/21/2006: ronin
07/18/2006: here is where language is not
07/17/2006: inspired by a castmate
07/14/2006: damnit
07/13/2006: The arc of history is long but it bends toward justice
07/12/2006: pressure's on
07/11/2006: Why are trains trying to kill me?
07/11/2006: freedom
07/06/2006: movies and things
07/05/2006: And he shall reign forever and ever
07/04/2006: Maybe
07/03/2006: Guess I should post something
06/30/2006: Did you know?
06/27/2006: a new foothold
06/26/2006: Everyone's Fat...
06/22/2006: The Word of God is surprisingly lacking in punch
06/21/2006: please stop
06/18/2006: The Modern Prometheus
06/18/2006: more plugging and meteorological notes
06/17/2006: deserving of its own post
06/16/2006: The Gentleman From Illinois
06/16/2006: Another event to which I could use a date
06/13/2006: A speech
06/11/2006: UNDEFEATED
06/08/2006: Ann
06/05/2006: What I really think about Benny Hill
06/04/2006: I could punch you in the mouth
06/03/2006: I'm cleaning my room...
05/31/2006: Take these children my lord, to thy embrace, and show them grace...
05/27/2006: ah so much to write about...
05/23/2006: the weeping and the cursing
05/17/2006: blackout
05/14/2006: also...
05/14/2006: on the other hand...
05/14/2006: back in action?
05/13/2006: conspirators and traitors!
05/10/2006: shadows have offended
05/09/2006: in this space
05/07/2006: I'm very funny
04/30/2006: all night long
04/25/2006: primary school wisdom?
04/23/2006: Man!
04/20/2006: funniest thing I've read about a child murderer in at least a week.
04/16/2006: dismality
04/15/2006: okay and another thing about Ayn Rand
04/12/2006: thoughts from a parasite
04/12/2006: lack of medicine
04/09/2006: A New Hope?
04/07/2006: another installment
04/05/2006: and why is this website not working
04/05/2006: I assume...
03/31/2006: so that's nice
03/30/2006: how much is that planet in the window?
03/29/2006: so it is
03/23/2006: Day Four
03/21/2006: life sucks in every way possible
03/18/2006: rerun
03/14/2006: blowing...
03/11/2006: Slobodan we hardly knew ye...
03/09/2006: I honestly don't do drugs
03/08/2006: Daily Show Interview
03/08/2006: Jim
03/07/2006: more on rape
03/06/2006: some notes
03/03/2006: Ten o' Clock News Heralds Justice
03/03/2006: asking
02/28/2006: of fatness
02/27/2006: I Am a Jedi
02/22/2006: by contrast
02/21/2006: the plague
02/19/2006: more humor
02/18/2006: humor
02/17/2006: pause
02/13/2006: dilemma
02/12/2006: Call him Aaron Burr because he is dropping Hamiltons
02/07/2006: hurty brain
02/06/2006: RAGE
02/04/2006: back into the cave
02/02/2006: The Dude Abides
02/02/2006: Horrible headline of the day
02/01/2006: a corrective to certain scurrilous assertions
01/19/2006: you know...
01/18/2006: Fuck You Julia Keller You Fucking Cow
01/16/2006: MLK and Me
01/11/2006: Thought I'd kicked the lethargy but...
01/06/2006: Glory
01/04/2006: If you haven't noticed, my sense of humor can be somewhat dark
01/01/2006: so it begins
12/29/2005: curious
12/26/2005: grreagh
12/24/2005: Here It Is Merry Christmas
12/22/2005: current events I'm fairly sure about but not entirely
12/20/2005: let me make this clear
12/19/2005: the bar has been lowered
12/16/2005: void
12/09/2005: clowns
11/27/2005: Measure Your Life...
11/26/2005: joy to be derived out of being alive
11/25/2005: tests? More like trials.
11/25/2005: One more test
11/24/2005: Blood?
11/24/2005: this webpage
11/21/2005: Quote of the Millennium
11/21/2005: He Moves in Mysterious Ways
11/18/2005: keeping tabs
11/16/2005: my day, my week, my month, or even my year
11/08/2005: bucket full of truth
11/07/2005: can I sit down for a minute?
11/02/2005: all hallows...
10/28/2005: multitude of disturbing things
10/25/2005: Oh this is terrible, just dreadful, why can't you write about something more pleasant?
10/24/2005: DEATH TRAIN!!!
10/21/2005: we're all lost boys
10/17/2005: sporting commentary
10/14/2005: on suckitude...
10/10/2005: enterprises
10/06/2005: the moral equivalent of...
10/05/2005: Avian flu can't take the sky from me
10/04/2005: fuck it
09/29/2005: Nerdy, nerdy Christmas Eve
09/29/2005: correction
09/28/2005: thugs
09/19/2005: miscellany
09/14/2005: Now hear this
09/14/2005: 78th level of Nirvana
09/03/2005: want to write something else but can't
08/31/2005: make sure there's a dixie moon...
08/19/2005: Hell is other websites
08/16/2005: heightening of consciousness
08/11/2005: Gods of the whatever
08/09/2005: in the wilds
08/08/2005: song
08/03/2005: blades of grass...
08/02/2005: boldly go where no WHAT has gone before?
08/01/2005: seriously, have you ever really thought about it?
07/31/2005: Baby we were born to blog
07/14/2005: continuing disappointment
07/12/2005: return
07/06/2005: busting loose
07/01/2005: Maronis
07/01/2005: ack
06/26/2005: just one thing
06/25/2005: domestic comfort
06/17/2005: don't fuck with my state
06/13/2005: Highway 57
06/10/2005: Ted
06/08/2005: what I feel
06/06/2005: Woo? Woo!
06/02/2005: That's deep
05/31/2005: not much ado about pretty much nothing
05/25/2005: purpose
05/24/2005: Susanne Grampe
05/23/2005: You know who's funny? Other than me?
05/23/2005: Faith sir, we were carousing 'til the second cock
05/17/2005: Spinning
05/12/2005: don't be left out in the cold
05/11/2005: water from the sky!
05/09/2005: groggy monday
05/06/2005: self reflection
05/05/2005: can't escape
05/02/2005: A little Will and a lot of Douglas
04/28/2005: the truth comes out
04/25/2005: i'm only sleeping. No I'm not.
04/20/2005: Habemus Papam!
04/14/2005: A serious word about Nazis
04/11/2005: a thread held together by gay bars, Nazis and the New York Times
04/06/2005: announcement
04/04/2005: Lincoln is Squared
03/28/2005: seasons of change
03/24/2005: query
03/22/2005: Speaking of the Onion
03/22/2005: juxtapose me
03/16/2005: shameful
03/15/2005: transitions
03/08/2005: Poking head out
02/24/2005: Grumble...
02/22/2005: Not you too Raoul!
02/17/2005: Messages from the other side?
02/15/2005: Is "Kombat" Latin?
01/27/2005: murder most foul
01/26/2005: triumph of my will (not to quote Hitler)
01/21/2005: pandas
01/21/2005: sub-aquatic sodomy
01/18/2005: A Very Palpable Hit
01/14/2005: Rebel, Rebel, you've torn your dress
01/11/2005: creeping decrepitude
01/07/2005: Here's hoping he saves Social Security singlehandedly
01/04/2005: Bits of '05
12/29/2004: 2004
12/22/2004: somuchhamlet
12/20/2004: balm
12/17/2004: status report
12/13/2004: Jesus Fuck
12/09/2004: actor for hire
12/06/2004: theological observations
12/02/2004: pogrom
11/29/2004: Thanking...
11/24/2004: Turkey Killing Day
11/23/2004: Longing for Elsinore...
11/17/2004: the Jedi fire has gone out of the universe
11/15/2004: Why evil will always triumph, because good is dumb
11/12/2004: the hum
11/05/2004: surely more to come
11/03/2004: No Retreat, Baby, No Surrender
11/01/2004: A list of relevant quotations...
10/28/2004: Did they enjoy creature comforts?
10/22/2004: continuing saga
10/19/2004: chop and hack
10/12/2004: and the beat goes on...
10/11/2004: Heroes just for one day
10/07/2004: well
10/05/2004: Please identify your location.
09/30/2004: the hope of billions
09/20/2004: shadowy men on a shadowy planet
09/17/2004: not so much frustrating as sad
09/17/2004: a moment of tribute
09/15/2004: life of quiet desperation
08/06/2004: hyperactivity
07/28/2004: He's my country's boy, but he used to be mine...
07/27/2004: Further Revelations
07/23/2004: revelations in the night
07/14/2004: jaa...
07/13/2004: I am hungry
07/12/2004: shuffle
07/08/2004: good works
07/07/2004: My God what a disgraceful entry
07/07/2004: And you may find yourself...
06/30/2004: this great land of ours
06/29/2004: ow
06/22/2004: I'm not sure how to spell "Schadenfreude" but here it is
06/18/2004: I should update this thing shouldn't I?
06/10/2004: This Just In
06/07/2004: My Eulogy
06/03/2004: Back to hatred
05/28/2004: joy
05/24/2004: hatred
05/20/2004: update
05/20/2004: less wracking
05/18/2004: wracking
05/13/2004: Omission
05/12/2004: Eeek!!!
05/12/2004: In Between Days
05/05/2004: elation
04/30/2004: Invasion
04/27/2004: Freedom of Speech
04/21/2004: Heavy Sigh
04/19/2004: ubiquity
04/16/2004: rocking
04/12/2004: Furthermore
04/12/2004: why don't links work
04/12/2004: why don't links work
03/31/2004: No way around it
03/26/2004: Elevator speaks the word
03/24/2004: The Next Big Thing
03/17/2004: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
03/11/2004: Self Discovery
03/05/2004: And now the end is near...
03/04/2004: once more...
03/01/2004: odd turn of events
02/27/2004: celebration
02/27/2004: An artist answers his challengers...
02/26/2004: Feasting on the blood of my enemies
02/20/2004: The Quickening

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